스위스 '테니스 황제' 페더러 기념주화 발행… 생존 인물 최초!
페이지 정보
SHMSKOREA 작성일19-12-26 조회1,772 댓글0본문
'테니스 황제' 로저 페더러(스위스)의 얼굴이 들어간 기념주화가 발행된다.
ATP투어 등 외신은 3일(한국시간) "스위스 정부가 페더러의 얼굴인 담긴 20프랑(약 2만3700원) 짜리 기념주화를 발행한다.
스위스 정부가 살아있는 인물의 기념주화를
만드는 것은 이번이 처음이다"라고 밝혔다.
페더러는 자신의 SNS를 통해 "이러한 영광을 안겨준 스위스 정부에 감사하다"고 소감을 밝혔다.
20프랑짜리 페더러 기념주화 5만5000개는 현지시간으로 2일부터 19일까지 또는 완판 시까지 선주문이 진행된다.
기념주화의 가격은 30프랑이고 정식 판매는 2020년 1월23일부터
2020년 5월에는 50프랑 금화 기념주화가 추가로 발행될 예정이다.
페더러는 스위스를 대표하는 운동 선수로 테니스 메이저대회에서 20번 우승을 차지했다
ATP투어에서 기록한 우승은 총 103번이나 되고, 세계랭킹 1위 자리도 커리어 통산 310주를 지킨 역대 최고의 테니스 선수 중 한명으로 꼽힌다.
[ CNN 원문 참조]
Looking for a Christmas gift for a Roger Federer fan? Your search might have come to an end.
Swissmint is honoring the tennis legend with a commemorative 20 Swiss franc ($20) silver coin, the first time that distinction has been bestowed to a living person. Federer has won 20 grand slams, the most of any man.
You can buy the coin -- which features Federer in his trademark headband preparing to strike a backhand -- for 30 Swiss francs.
"As well as being probably Switzerland's most successful individual sportsman, he is also the perfect ambassador for Switzerland," Swissmint said in a press release. "That is reason enough for Swissmint to honor Roger Federer with a 20-franc silver coin.
"There is no other Swiss person in the world as well known as Roger Federer," it added. "One could almost lose count of his tennis records."
Swissmint honored Roger Federer with a silver coin (pictured here) and a gold coin will be issued next year.
Swissmint cited his 237 straight weeks at world No. 1 and his grand slam haul before mentioning his off-court charitable work, including his foundation.
"He is just as active off the court," the release said.
The pre-sale of the coin began Monday and ends December 19 -- or earlier if the first run of 55,000 units sell out.
Official dispatch then starts January 23 before a gold Federer 50 franc coin with a different design is issued in May 2020.
"Thank you Switzerland and thank you Swissmint for this incredible honor and privilege," Federer tweeted.
A testament to how much he is loved around the world, Federer's exhibition clash in Mexico City with Alexander Zverev in late November drew 42,000 people, which was cited as the most ever for a tennis match. That record could be broken in February when Federer and Rafael Nadal play an exhibition in Cape Town.
Visit our tennis page for more news and videos
Highlights of Federer's 2019 on the tennis tour included reaching the Wimbledon final -- where he lost a heartbreaker to Novak Djokovic -- and a semifinal showing at the French Open upon his return to Roland Garros.
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